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Forums: Index > The Keeper Compound > 'o' vs 'ou'

Is there anything official stance on 'o' vs 'ou' spelling in this wikia? Big McLargeHuge 00:30, 12 August 2008 (UTC)

As in "color" vs the evil demonic spelling "colour"?? I guess we should have a "Style Sheet", go to the Legend for that. If it has to do with content go with American English, if it's article names create and redirect to American English articles. :) Sxerks 01:33, 12 August 2008 (UTC)

O Great Beneficent One, why dost thou scoff at such a valid question? No seriously man, you are being a derogatory term for the male genitalia. Big McLargeHuge 03:26, 12 August 2008 (UTC)

Just answering your question with a little humour..... Sxerks 04:26, 12 August 2008 (UTC)

ouh that is sou very funny, soume times i fourget houw peouple usually pepper things with sarcasam. Thanks four reminding me.
