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This folder contains files for Commoner 3, Merchant 3, and Servant 3.

Commoner 3:

commoner3: c3_blame_maj1: Aha! I know you're the culprit! I'm gonna get someone to deal with you!
commoner3: c3_blame_min1: You did that? Can't you stop it?
commoner3: c3_cdam_hi1: Gah! Why are you doing this?
commoner3: c3_cdam_hi2: Aah! Stop! Stop, please!
commoner3: c3_cdam_hi_na1: Gaah! Keep him away from me!
commoner3: c3_cdam_lo1: Hey! What was that for?
commoner3: c3_cdam_med1: Ah! I'm unarmed you scoundrel!
commoner3: c3_cdam_no1: Was that supposed to hurt?
commoner3: c3_cdie_words1: Gaaah!
commoner3: c3_crime_hurtother1: He's gonna go after me next!
commoner3: c3_crime_kill1: Did you just... aaah!
commoner3: c3_crime_lockp1: There's a guy here tryin' to get this open!
commoner3: c3_crime_theft1: There's a guy just stole something!
commoner3: c3_crime_threat1: I ain't sticking around to be killed!
commoner3: c3_crime_tres1: We got an intruder!
commoner3: c3_crime_vandal1: There's a crazy guy here smashing stuff!
commoner3: c3_crime_wanted1: I saw him on that poster!
commoner3: c3_crime_wanted2: There's a reward for him!
commoner3: c3_ev_ally1: Supposed to be here...hmmm....
commoner3: c3_ev_ally_na1: Hmmm...should we be worried that they're not here?
commoner3: c3_ev_ally_spooked1: Don't will arrive soon....
commoner3: c3_ev_allyf1: Maybe she had to run off for some reason....
commoner3: c3_ev_allym1: Told me he was gonna be here...very strange....
commoner3: c3_ev_an_spooked1: Something's got those critters all stirred up.
commoner3: c3_ev_blood1: Is that--? Oh's blood all right....
commoner3: c3_ev_blood2: Blood! Eew!
commoner3: c3_ev_body1: Oh my good gracious! A body!
commoner3: c3_ev_body2: Hey you, fell asleep did ya? Oh no! You're dead!
commoner3: c3_ev_body_na1: No, don't touch the body! They'll think you're the one did the killin'!
commoner3: c3_ev_body_na2: Look...stone cold dead...they're gonna want to question us....
commoner3: c3_ev_bodyf1: What kind of coward would kill a woman?
commoner3: c3_ev_bodyf2: She's been murdered!
commoner3: c3_ev_bodyf_na1: Look, she's been killed...we could be next....
commoner3: c3_ev_bodym1: But...who would want him dead?
commoner3: c3_ev_bodym2: Help! A man's been killed!
commoner3: c3_ev_bodym_na1: Don't give me that look! I didn't kill him, and you know it!
commoner3: c3_ev_com1: I'm not a fightin' man.
commoner3: c3_ev_dam1: Who did that?
commoner3: c3_ev_dam2: Ouch! Where'd that come from?
commoner3: c3_ev_door1: What's this doing open?
commoner3: c3_ev_door2: Am I the only one who can remember to shut a door?
commoner3: c3_ev_door_na1: Next time, you should remember to close that door, OK?
commoner3: c3_ev_door_na2: Hey! You left this door open again, you lazy lug!
commoner3: c3_ev_enemybody1: Someone did you a favor killin' you.
commoner3: c3_ev_felt1: Hey! Whatcha do that for?
commoner3: c3_ev_felt2: Stop it!
commoner3: c3_ev_lightext1: All right, very funny, ha, ha. Now could ya' turn those back on....
commoner3: c3_ev_lightoff1: I can't be expected to do my bit if they're gonna turn the lights off.
commoner3: c3_ev_lightoff2: Lights are off. Maybe they're broke.
commoner3: c3_ev_loot1: I'm not gonna take the blame for stuff going missing....
commoner3: c3_ev_loot2: Could someone have taken it?
commoner3: c3_ev_loot_na1: Well, if not you, then who could've taken it?
commoner3: c3_ev_maj1: No! Tell me it isn't so!
commoner3: c3_ev_maj2: I am not seeing this! I am NOT seeing this!
commoner3: c3_ev_med1: Oh, boy...oh boy oh boy....
commoner3: c3_ev_med2: This doesn't look good....
commoner3: c3_ev_min1: Odd....
commoner3: c3_ev_min2: Now that's unusual.
commoner3: c3_ev_res1: Some kind of a tussle....
commoner3: c3_ev_ret1: What am I doing? It's not my job to worry about these kind of things. Pah.
commoner3: c3_ev_ret_ik1: Ah...forget it...I should just feel lucky I guess that the killer didn't get me too....
commoner3: c3_ev_shadow1: Odd sort of shadow just there....
commoner3: c3_ev_torchext1: Hey! Did someone just dowse that torch?
commoner3: c3_ev_torchtoff1: If I see him, I'll tell the torch boy this one's gone out.
commoner3: c3_ev_torchtoff2: They don't make these torches like they used to.
commoner3: c3_fatigue_epi1: Not used to...all this activity....
commoner3: c3_fcon1: Ah! Coming through!
commoner3: c3_fcon2: Right on my heels....
commoner3: c3_fcon3: Have I lost 'em?
commoner3: c3_fcon4: Get me outa this place!
commoner3: c3_fcon5: Which way is best....
commoner3: c3_fcon_ik1: Please don't kill me!
commoner3: c3_fcon_ik2: Leave me alone, you murderer!
commoner3: c3_fcow1: Please, don't hurt me!
commoner3: c3_fcow2: I give up! See?
commoner3: c3_fcow3: No! I-I'm unarmed!
commoner3: c3_fhid1: It'll be over soon....
commoner3: c3_fhid2: They won't find me here...will they?
commoner3: c3_fini1: I'm off!
commoner3: c3_fini2: Yikes!
commoner3: c3_fini_human1: It's not me you want!
commoner3: c3_fini_monster1: It's not even human!
commoner3: c3_fini_na1: Let's get out of here!
commoner3: c3_fini_pl1: Ah! Now...stay calm! Let's be reasonable!
commoner3: c3_fini_pl2: Who the taff are you? Just leave me alone!
commoner3: c3_fini_pl3: Oh my! I'm unarmed you know!
commoner3: c3_fini_pl4: Wha--? Stay back! Don't hurt me!
commoner3: c3_fini_pl5: Ah! Uh oh. This isn't good. I have to get away!
commoner3: c3_fini_pl_ik1: Huh? Stay away! Please...I want to live!
commoner3: c3_fini_pl_ik2: Who's that? Ah! Don't kill me, I beg you!
commoner3: c3_fini_pl_it1: What? Don't hurt me! I have nothing of value, thief!
commoner3: c3_fini_pl_it2: Who's that? Oh no! Just let me be, you robber!
commoner3: c3_fini_zombie1: It's the undead! They want my brain!
commoner3: c3_fsub1: Why won't you let me be?
commoner3: c3_fsub2: How did you find me?
commoner3: c3_gcon1: Hmmm....
commoner3: c3_gcon2: I'll just see if it does it again....
commoner3: c3_gcon_he1: Mighta heard something....
commoner3: c3_gcon_he2: That sound has given me reason to pause, as they say uptown....
commoner3: c3_gcon_he_na1: No, was some kinda sound, you didn't hear it?
commoner3: c3_gcon_he_na2: Quit makin' noise...I'm trying to hear something....
commoner3: c3_gcon_se1: Mighta seen...not really sure....
commoner3: c3_gcon_se2: Coulda been something moving....
commoner3: c3_gcon_se_na1: It was...I dunno...didn't ya see it?
commoner3: c3_gcon_se_na2: I don't know what I saw...but it would make me feel better if you had a look-see.
commoner3: c3_gen_aha1: Have you been hiding?
commoner3: c3_gen_dazed1: What...who...where...oh boy....
commoner3: c3_gen_dismiss1: I'm not interested.
commoner3: c3_gen_dunno1: I dunno...why you asking me?
commoner3: c3_gen_frust1: Of all the...frustrating....
commoner3: c3_gen_igetit1: That's it! I'm a genius!
commoner3: c3_gen_no1: No way.
commoner3: c3_gen_oops1: Ooops...clumsy me.
commoner3: c3_gen_snapout1: Hey you!
commoner3: c3_gen_startled1: Oh!
commoner3: c3_gen_startled2: Yikes!
commoner3: c3_gen_suffer1: My poor noggin...oh....
commoner3: c3_gen_thanks1: Thanks a lot.
commoner3: c3_gen_yes1: Absolutely.
commoner3: c3_gini1: Wha--?
commoner3: c3_gini2: Hmmm.
commoner3: c3_gini3: All right....
commoner3: c3_gini_he1: Did I just hear...?
commoner3: c3_gini_he2: Was that a noise?
commoner3: c3_gini_se1: Hey, I think I'm seein' things.
commoner3: c3_gini_se2: Now, what would be moving over there?
commoner3: c3_greet_reply1: Don't even ask.
commoner3: c3_greet_reply2: Yer a sight for sore eyes.
commoner3: c3_greet_reply3: Evening to you.
commoner3: c3_greet_req1: Evening there.
commoner3: c3_greet_req2: How was your day?
commoner3: c3_greet_req3: I trust all's well with you?
commoner3: c3_gret1: Nah...nothin' there.
commoner3: c3_gret2: Don't know what it was...gone now.
commoner3: c3_gret3: Just spooked myself a little I guess.
commoner3: c3_gret_he1: Sometimes noises just happen...nothin' to worry about.
commoner3: c3_gret_he2: Ah! What's the point...I've heard worse sounds than that anyway....
commoner3: c3_gret_na1: Look at us fools, getting' worked up over nothin'.
commoner3: c3_gret_na2: Ain't nothin' here. You agree?
commoner3: c3_gret_se1: Well I didn't see nothin' I guess.
commoner3: c3_gret_se2: Just a figment in my mind's they say....
commoner3: c3_gsub1: Funny, that.
commoner3: c3_gsub2: There it goes again.
commoner3: c3_iann1: I better get some help or something!
commoner3: c3_iann_citywatch1: Hey! Guards! Over here!
commoner3: c3_iann_citywatch2: Where's the damn watchman?
commoner3: c3_iann_pl1: Ah! Who? Ah, wait there...I'll be right back with some help!
commoner3: c3_iann_pl2: What the--? I'm gonna go get someone to deal with you!
commoner3: c3_iann_pl3: Huh? Oh no! Don't hurt me! I'll get someone who's armed!
commoner3: c3_iann_pl4: Who the taff? I'm calling the guards on you!
commoner3: c3_iarr_gone1: Of course I'm sure...and this is definitely the right spot...but....
commoner3: c3_iarr_gone2: It was here, all right...I didn't imagine it....
commoner3: c3_iarr_gone_pl1: How should I know? He was here, now he's gone, that's the extent of my knowledge....
commoner3: c3_iarr_gone_pl2: What? He was right here a second ago....
commoner3: c3_iarr_pres1: See? What'll we do?
commoner3: c3_iarr_pres2: There! Just where I said it would be!
commoner3: c3_iarr_pres_pl1: There he is! Right where I left him!
commoner3: c3_iarr_pres_pl2: I told you I saw someone! Go get him!
commoner3: c3_idle1: Oh my feet...can't even tell if it's corns...or calluses...or blisters...or bunions...or all of 'em at once...or fungus...or....
commoner3: c3_idle2: That's easy for him to say...him with his fancy suit....
commoner3: c3_idle3: Like a big empty pit...that's how my stomach feels...right, stomach...?
commoner3: c3_idle4: It's like he was tryin' to piss me off...standing there like of these days...I really oughta work up the nerve to do something....
commoner3: c3_idle5: Somebody said they give ya' bread down at the Hammery church if ya listen to a sermon and do a chore or two....
commoner3: c3_idle_an1: Kindly little creatures.
commoner3: c3_idle_bs1: Can't even remember why I got stuck down here....
commoner3: c3_idle_bs2: What am I doing down here again? There's gotta be a reason for it.
commoner3: c3_idle_ou1: Are the stars out tonight? I can't see if it's er, cloudy or bright....
commoner3: c3_idle_ou2: Shoulda worn more layers...bein' out here....
commoner3: c3_idle_ra1: They say it's them that brought the plague....
commoner3: c3_idle_st1: This can be a cruel part of town...for someone like me....
commoner3: c3_idle_st2: This part of the City...always reminds me of when I was a boy....
commoner3: c3_irep1: There's something weird going on! I just saw something!
commoner3: c3_irep2: I seen it! I seen it! I'm not sure what, but I seen it!
commoner3: c3_irep_body1: Back there! It's a-a-a dead person! Dead!
commoner3: c3_irep_body2: Help me! There's a dead body over there!
commoner3: c3_irep_ik1: It's the killer all right...just wait 'til you see him!
commoner3: c3_irep_it1: It's him, the thief! Follow me!
commoner3: c3_irep_pl1: There's a guy...he...oh, just come and help will ya?
commoner3: c3_irep_pl2: Help me! I saw somebody!
commoner3: c3_misc_blind_con1: Oooof...if I could only...ouch...see....
commoner3: c3_misc_blind_con2: Where...can't see a...ooof...thing....
commoner3: c3_misc_blind_con3: Oh boy...which way...oh....
commoner3: c3_misc_blind_end1: My eyesight's...coming back...slowly....
commoner3: c3_misc_blind_end2: Yes...eyesight's...starting to come back.
commoner3: c3_misc_blind_end3: There...there I think I can see again.
commoner3: c3_misc_blind_ini1: Oh, no! I'm blinded!
commoner3: c3_misc_blind_ini2: Aah! I've been blinded!
commoner3: c3_misc_blind_ini3: I can't see! I can't see!
commoner3: c3_misc_noisemak1: That is one strange sound....
commoner3: c3_misc_noisesup1: I think my ears just must have popped...strange.
commoner3: c3_misc_pickp1: What the--? Someone took it! Right off my person!
commoner3: c3_misc_slip1: Heyyyy!
commoner3: c3_nbarrel1: Huh...the ol' hide-in-the-barrel trick...gets 'em every time....
commoner3: c3_nchair1: Hmmm...that chair....
commoner3: c3_ncouch1: Anything by the couch?
commoner3: c3_ncrate1: I'll just take a little look-see by these crates....
commoner3: c3_ndesk1: I'll just take a peek over by the desk....
commoner3: c3_ndoor1: Here I go to check the door....
commoner3: c3_nladder1: Something could hide near that ladder....
commoner3: c3_nmach1: The there's a hiding spot....
commoner3: c3_nshadow1: I'm gonna check that shadowy spot next....
commoner3: c3_nshelf1: I oughta check over by the shelves too....
commoner3: c3_nstatue1: Hmmm...I better check out that statue....
commoner3: c3_ntable1: Better check by the table....
commoner3: c3_obs_citywatch1: Never there when you need 'em.
commoner3: c3_obs_citywatch2: Evening, officer....
commoner3: c3_obs_commoner1: Hey, how are things?
commoner3: c3_obs_commoner2: Catch up with you later, eh?
commoner3: c3_obs_guard1: Must get hard on the feet.
commoner3: c3_obs_hammer1: I'll just be on my way....
commoner3: c3_obs_hammer_friend1: Good luck with all your, er, building.
commoner3: c3_obs_noble1: Didn't mean any harm.
commoner3: c3_obs_noblef1: A copper for an honest man, my lady?
commoner3: c3_obs_noblef2: (Muttered) Thinks she's too good to look at me.
commoner3: c3_obs_noblem1: Could you spare a copper, your Lordship?
commoner3: c3_obs_noblem2: A pleasant evening to you and yours...m'lord.
commoner3: c3_obs_pagan1: Just leave me be. I don't go in for all that nature stuff....
commoner3: c3_obs_pagan_friend1: Ferns and leaves to you too.
commoner3: c3_obs_pl1: Evening.
commoner3: c3_obs_pl2: How do?
commoner3: c3_obs_pl3: Don't look too familiar.
commoner3: c3_pagancornerstone1: Who put all the vines here?
commoner3: c3_rcon1: I won't hurt you...I promise....
commoner3: c3_rcon2: Some kind of cat and mouse game....
commoner3: c3_rcon3: What do you want, anyways?
commoner3: c3_rcon_he1: Where are ya now? Thought the sound came from over here....
commoner3: c3_rcon_he2: You sure make a lot of noise...for someone who doesn't seem to want to be found....
commoner3: c3_rcon_he3: You know I heard what's the point in hiding?
commoner3: c3_rcon_he_na1: This is creepy...searching for some noisy guy...and we don't have even the teeniest little plan....
commoner3: c3_rcon_he_na2: All I'm saying is, I heard it, right? So I've done my part, that's why you have to find it....
commoner3: c3_rcon_ia_na1: I don't know...seems like a strange night to me. Don't you think?
commoner3: c3_rcon_ik_na1: I'm almost too scared to heard about the murder, right?
commoner3: c3_rcon_it_na1: I ain't scared if it's the thief...are you?
commoner3: c3_rcon_na1: Quit kidding around...Help me find whoever this is!
commoner3: c3_rcon_na2: Have you thought about what we should do when we find this ah...person?
commoner3: c3_rcon_se1: You know...if you move around some'll help me spot ya.
commoner3: c3_rcon_se2: I don't know why you're hiding...I seen ya, didn't I?
commoner3: c3_rcon_se3: I saw you all right! (To self) Times like this is when I wish I carried a blade....
commoner3: c3_rcon_se_na1: I'm telling you I don't know what I saw...but let's keep looking anyway, OK?
commoner3: c3_rcon_se_na2: I seen seen it...all that's left is for see us....
commoner3: c3_repri_bump_init1: Hey! Walking here!
commoner3: c3_repri_bump_init2: Watch where you're going, ay?
commoner3: c3_repri_hurt_init1: You ain't got no cause to hurt me!
commoner3: c3_repri_hurtother_init1: They didn't deserve nothin'!
commoner3: c3_repri_hurtother_sub1: They didn't do nothing to you! Stop hurting them!
commoner3: c3_repri_lockp_init1: That's supposed to stay locked!
commoner3: c3_repri_odd_init1: You better cut that out.
commoner3: c3_repri_over1: That's better. We didn't need no more trouble.
commoner3: c3_repri_over2: That's good, then. Thanks for behaving.
commoner3: c3_repri_stare_init1: Why're you lookin' at me like that?
commoner3: c3_repri_stare_init2: I don't like being stared at.
commoner3: c3_repri_theft_init1: You can't just go takin' whatever you want!
commoner3: c3_repri_theft_init2: What are you doing? That's mine!
commoner3: c3_repri_threat_init1: What's your beef with me, sir?
commoner3: c3_repri_threat_sub1: C'mon! Stop that!
commoner3: c3_repri_threat_sub2: Are you going to kill me?
commoner3: c3_repri_thrown_init1: Watch it with that!
commoner3: c3_repri_thrown_sub1: Can you stop it, please?
commoner3: c3_repri_tres_init1: Private property, pal. Just be on your way now.
commoner3: c3_repri_tres_init2: You can't just come in here!
commoner3: c3_repri_vandal_init1: Hey! That's all broken now!
commoner3: c3_repri_vandal_sub1: You're gonna get in big trouble, you keep breaking stuff.
commoner3: c3_rini1: All right, Jacob, quit kidding around...Jacob?
commoner3: c3_rini2: Who's hiding over there?
commoner3: c3_rini3: Someone there? Whataya doin'?
commoner3: c3_rini4: Who's that then?
commoner3: c3_rini5: What's going on?
commoner3: c3_rini_he1: I know you're there! I can hear everything you do!
commoner3: c3_rini_he2: Sounded close...and kinda big....
commoner3: c3_rini_he3: What's with all the noise?
commoner3: c3_rini_he_na1: Oh heard THAT, right?
commoner3: c3_rini_he_na2: We can hear that you know!
commoner3: c3_rini_se1: What's that I'm seein' there?
commoner3: c3_rini_se2: Hey! Is that somebody? I see you!
commoner3: c3_rini_se3: All right! I saw that! Clear as day!
commoner3: c3_rini_se_na1: We saw that you know...hello?
commoner3: c3_rini_se_na2: You tell me what you think you saw...then I'll tell you what I think I saw...OK?
commoner3: c3_rnew1: That. What the heck is that?
commoner3: c3_rnew2: Again. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you're there.
commoner3: c3_rnew3: Hold yer horses...I am trying to find you, you know.
commoner3: c3_rnew_he1: That noise again! Drivin' me batty!
commoner3: c3_rnew_se1: There! Who's that I see there?
commoner3: c3_rpre1: Oh my gosh!
commoner3: c3_rpre3: Oh boy!
commoner3: c3_rret1: Well, they left. What a relief...they must have been as scared as I was....
commoner3: c3_rret2: It's gosh darn weird is all...I mean, I really really thought someone was there....
commoner3: c3_rret3: Well, I'll count my blessings I guess...for all I know I was within inches of a madman....
commoner3: c3_rret_he1: Whoever it was I heard...they heard me too...and ran off somewheres....
commoner3: c3_rret_na1: Well, can't say as I'm not relieved...I mean...imagine if we actually found someone, eh?
commoner3: c3_rret_ra1: What? I can't believe I'd get so worked up over a stupid ol' rat.
commoner3: c3_rret_se1: I guess it coulda been animal or something I saw....
commoner3: c3_rsur_ev_com1: Look out!
commoner3: c3_rsur_ev_com2: Ambush!
commoner3: c3_sleeping1: (Talking in sleep) Oooh...pancakes syrup...that's right...butter...mmmmm....
commoner3: c3_sndocc1: Can't hear myself think over this din!
commoner3: c3_valley1: I seen him! I seen him! In the alley!
commoner3: c3_vatrium1: I saw someone in the atrium!
commoner3: c3_vbathrm1: Oh, sorry, pardon me--Hey! Who the heck are you?
commoner3: c3_vbedrm1: There's a stranger in the bedchamber!
commoner3: c3_vbsmt1: There's a guy in the basement!
commoner3: c3_vchamber1: Quick! He's in the chamber!
commoner3: c3_vchapel1: There's a stranger in the chapel...I don't think he's there to pray!
commoner3: c3_vcourtyd1: Intruder in the courtyard! Help!
commoner3: c3_vhall1: There's a stranger in the hallway!
commoner3: c3_vinside1: Oh! He's in the building! Where are our defenses!
commoner3: c3_vkitchen1: Hey! You're not the cook!
commoner3: c3_vlibrary1: You there! Get away from those books!
commoner3: c3_voutside1: Everybody! I just saw someone outside!
commoner3: c3_vrafters1: Look up! Someone's got into the rafters!
commoner3: c3_vroof1: On the roof! How'd he get up there?
commoner3: c3_vstairs1: Stranger on the steps!
commoner3: c3_vstreet1: I just saw him on the street!
commoner3: c3_ycon1: May as well be on the safe side....
commoner3: c3_ycon2: That ain't you, Stella, is it? Trying to scare me?
commoner3: c3_ycon3: Thought it might be over this way....
commoner3: c3_ycon4: I really really hope there's nothing here....
commoner3: c3_ycon_he1: Well I heard something, so may as well check....
commoner3: c3_ycon_he2: Hopefully that sound was just...a sound....
commoner3: c3_ycon_he_na1: Give a little yell if you hear it again.
commoner3: c3_ycon_he_na2: Let's see if we hear it again.
commoner3: c3_ycon_na1: Hope it's not the boogeyman...or the old grey lady.... Those're just stories to scare kids...right?
commoner3: c3_ycon_na2: You look over there...I'll check around here....
commoner3: c3_ycon_se1: Whatever I seen, thought it was around here....
commoner3: c3_ycon_se2: Thought I saw...but my eyes ain't what they used to be....
commoner3: c3_ycon_se_na1: Do you see it now?
commoner3: c3_ycon_se_na2: What did it look like to you?
commoner3: c3_yini1: OK, what's going on?
commoner3: c3_yini2: Hey...something over there?
commoner3: c3_yini3: That you?
commoner3: c3_yini_he1: Now that's an odd kinda noise.
commoner3: c3_yini_he2: Didn't expect to hear that.
commoner3: c3_yini_he3: Weird noise, that.
commoner3: c3_yini_he_na1: Oh, hush up. I just heard something.
commoner3: c3_yini_he_na2: Quiet! Something just made a noise.
commoner3: c3_yini_se1: OK, something moved.
commoner3: c3_yini_se2: I seen somethin'...don't know what.
commoner3: c3_yini_se_na1: Oh, looky there. See that?
commoner3: c3_yini_se_na2: Did you see it? Tell me you did.
commoner3: c3_ynew1: Did it again....
commoner3: c3_ynew2: Oh...there it is...wish it would just go away....
commoner3: c3_ynew3: There. What the heck?
commoner3: c3_yret11: There ain't nothin' here. Why'd I get so worried?
commoner3: c3_yret2: Aw, just too tense I guess. Maybe I need some time off.
commoner3: c3_yret3: Nothing. I knew it all along.
commoner3: c3_yret_he11: Well, I guess it could've been the wind I heard....
commoner3: c3_yret_he2: Come to think of it, anything could have made that sound...a rat, for instance....
commoner3: c3_yret_na11: Would you look at us? Couple a scared fools...there ain't nothin' here but us....
commoner3: c3_yret_ra11: A rat...I guess that explains it then.
commoner3: c3_yret_se11: When you work as hard as I're bound to see a few things that aren't really there....
commoner3: c3_yret_se2: I guess I didn't see anything after all...nothing important anyway....

Merchant 3:

commoner3: m3_blame_maj1: Aha! I know you're the culprit! I'm gonna get someone to deal with you!
commoner3: m3_blame_min1: You did that? Can't you stop it?
commoner3: m3_cdam_hi1: Gah! I can't take any more!
commoner3: m3_cdam_hi2: Aah! Stop! Stop, please!
commoner3: m3_cdam_hi_na1: Gaah! I'll pay you anything...just stop him!
commoner3: m3_cdam_lo1: Ah! Watch it, pal!
commoner3: m3_cdam_med1: Ow! Stop! I beg you!
commoner3: m3_cdam_no1: Was that supposed to hurt?
commoner3: m3_cdie_ko1: All right...uuuuggh.
commoner3: m3_cdie_words1: Gaaa! Oh...that just about...did it....
commoner3: m3_crime_hurtother1: He's gonna go after me next!
commoner3: m3_crime_kill1: Did you just... aaah!
commoner3: m3_crime_lockp1: There's a guy here tryin' to get this open!
commoner3: m3_crime_theft1: I'll see that the guards cut you to pieces, you thief!
commoner3: m3_crime_threat1: Help! Irate customer trying to kill me!
commoner3: m3_crime_tres1: Trespassing! In this establishment! What am I paying the Watch for?
commoner3: m3_crime_vandal1: He's smashing some very valuable objects! Help me!
commoner3: m3_crime_wanted1: I saw him on that poster!
commoner3: m3_crime_wanted2: There's a reward for him!
commoner3: m3_ev_ally1: Supposed to be here...hmmm....
commoner3: m3_ev_ally_na1: Hmmm...should we be worried that they're not here?
commoner3: m3_ev_ally_spooked1: Don't will arrive soon....
commoner3: m3_ev_allyf1: Maybe she had to run off for some reason....
commoner3: m3_ev_allym1: Told me he was gonna be here...very strange....
commoner3: m3_ev_an_spooked1: Something's got those critters all stirred up.
commoner3: m3_ev_blood1: Is that--? Oh's blood, all right....
commoner3: m3_ev_blood2: Blood! Eew!
commoner3: m3_ev_body1: Oh my good gracious! A body!
commoner3: m3_ev_body2: Hey you, fell asleep did ya? Oh no! You're dead!
commoner3: m3_ev_body_na1: No, don't touch the body! They'll think you're the one did the killin'!
commoner3: m3_ev_body_na2: Look...stone cold dead...they're gonna want to question us....
commoner3: m3_ev_bodyf1: What kind of coward would kill a woman?
commoner3: m3_ev_bodyf2: She's been murdered!
commoner3: m3_ev_bodyf_na1: Look, she's been killed...we could be next....
commoner3: m3_ev_bodym1: But...who would want him dead?
commoner3: m3_ev_bodym2: Help! A man's been killed!
commoner3: m3_ev_bodym_na1: Don't give me that look! I didn't kill him, and you know it!
commoner3: m3_ev_com1: I'm not a fightin' man.
commoner3: m3_ev_dam1: Who did that?
commoner3: m3_ev_dam2: Ouch! Where'd that come from?
commoner3: m3_ev_door1: What? Open? I'll have to write a memo, reminding them to keep it the door closed. Unbelievable.
commoner3: m3_ev_door2: Am I the only one who can remember to shut a door?
commoner3: m3_ev_door_na1: Next time, you should remember to close that door, OK?
commoner3: m3_ev_door_na2: Hey! You left this door open again, you lazy lug!
commoner3: m3_ev_enemybody1: Someone did you a favor killin' you.
commoner3: m3_ev_felt1: Hey! Whatcha do that for?
commoner3: m3_ev_felt2: Stop it!
commoner3: m3_ev_lightext1: All right, very funny, ha, ha. Now could ya' turn those back on....
commoner3: m3_ev_lightoff1: What happened to the lights? Someone must've flipped the switch by mistake.
commoner3: m3_ev_lightoff2: Lights are off. Maybe they're broke.
commoner3: m3_ev_loot1: I don't believe it! Gone! And right from under my nose!
commoner3: m3_ev_loot2: It's been stolen! Some Oh!
commoner3: m3_ev_loot_na1: Well, if not you, then who could've taken it?
commoner3: m3_ev_maj1: No! Tell me it isn't so!
commoner3: m3_ev_maj2: I am not seeing this! I am NOT seeing this!
commoner3: m3_ev_med1: Oh, boy...oh boy oh boy....
commoner3: m3_ev_med2: This doesn't look good....
commoner3: m3_ev_min1: Odd....
commoner3: m3_ev_min2: Now that's unusual.
commoner3: m3_ev_res1: Some kind of a tussle....
commoner3: m3_ev_ret1: Well...nothing left to do...except think about bright shiny coins...mmmm....
commoner3: m3_ev_ret_ik1: Ah...forget it...I should just feel lucky I guess that the killer didn't get me too....
commoner3: m3_ev_shadow1: Odd sort of shadow just there....
commoner3: m3_ev_torchext1: Hey! Did someone just dowse that torch?
commoner3: m3_ev_torchtoff1: Torch is out. I should be able to dock someone's pay for that.
commoner3: m3_ev_torchtoff2: They don't make these torches like they used to.
commoner3: m3_fatigue_epi1: Not used to...all this activity....
commoner3: m3_fcon1: Ah! Coming through!
commoner3: m3_fcon2: Right on my heels....
commoner3: m3_fcon3: Have I lost 'em?
commoner3: m3_fcon4: Get me outa this place!
commoner3: m3_fcon5: Which way is best...?
commoner3: m3_fcon_ik1: Please don't kill me!
commoner3: m3_fcon_ik2: Leave me alone, you murderer!
commoner3: m3_fcow1: Hey, I just work here!
commoner3: m3_fcow2: Don't hurt me, I didn't see nothin'.
commoner3: m3_fcow3: No! I-I'm unarmed!
commoner3: m3_fhid1: It'll be over soon....
commoner3: m3_fhid2: ...they won't find me here...will they?
commoner3: m3_fini1: I'm off!
commoner3: m3_fini2: Yikes!
commoner3: m3_fini_human1: It's not me you want!
commoner3: m3_fini_monster1: It's not even human!
commoner3: m3_fini_na1: Let's get out of here!
commoner3: m3_fini_pl1: Ah! Now...stay calm! Let's be reasonable!
commoner3: m3_fini_pl2: Who the taff are you? Just leave me alone!
commoner3: m3_fini_pl3: Oh my! I'm unarmed you know!
commoner3: m3_fini_pl4: Wha--? Stay back! Don't hurt me!
commoner3: m3_fini_pl5: Ah! Uh oh. This isn't good. I have to get away!
commoner3: m3_fini_pl_ik1: Huh? Stay away! Please...I want to live!
commoner3: m3_fini_pl_ik2: Who's that? Ah! Don't kill me, I beg you!
commoner3: m3_fini_pl_it1: Ah! It's the thief! Keep away from my stuff, I practically own the City Watch!
commoner3: m3_fini_pl_it2: Who's that? Oh no! Just let me be, you robber!
commoner3: m3_fini_zombie1: It's the undead! They want my brain!
commoner3: m3_fsub1: Why won't you let me be?
commoner3: m3_fsub2: How did you find me?
commoner3: m3_gcon1: Hmmm....
commoner3: m3_gcon2: I'll just see if it does it again....
commoner3: m3_gcon_he1: Mighta heard something....
commoner3: m3_gcon_he2: That sound has given me reason to pause, as they say uptown....
commoner3: m3_gcon_he_na1: No, was some kinda sound, you didn't hear it?
commoner3: m3_gcon_he_na2: Quit makin' noise...I'm trying to hear something....
commoner3: m3_gcon_se1: Mighta seen...not really sure....
commoner3: m3_gcon_se2: Coulda been something moving....
commoner3: m3_gcon_se_na1: It was...I dunno.... Didn't ya see it?
commoner3: m3_gcon_se_na2: I don't know what I saw...but it would make me feel better if you had a look-see.
commoner3: m3_gen_aha1: Have you been hiding?
commoner3: m3_gen_dazed1: What...who...where...oh boy....
commoner3: m3_gen_dismiss1: Hmmm. Not interested. No money involved.
commoner3: m3_gen_dunno1: I dunno...why you asking me?
commoner3: m3_gen_frust1: Of all the...frustrating....
commoner3: m3_gen_igetit1: That's it! I'm a genius!
commoner3: m3_gen_no1: No way.
commoner3: m3_gen_oops1: Ooops...clumsy me.
commoner3: m3_gen_snapout1: Hey you!
commoner3: m3_gen_startled1: Yikes!
commoner3: m3_gen_startled2: Ho!
commoner3: m3_gen_suffer1: My poor noggin...oh....
commoner3: m3_gen_thanks1: Thanks a lot.
commoner3: m3_gen_yes1: Absolutely.
commoner3: m3_gini1: Wha--?
commoner3: m3_gini2: Hmmm.
commoner3: m3_gini3: All right....
commoner3: m3_gini_he1: Did I just hear...?
commoner3: m3_gini_he2: Was that a noise?
commoner3: m3_gini_se1: Hey, I think I'm seein' things.
commoner3: m3_gini_se2: Now, what would be moving over there?
commoner3: m3_greet_reply1: Get lost.
commoner3: m3_greet_reply2: Buyer beware...ha!
commoner3: m3_greet_reply3: Bah! Humbug!
commoner3: m3_greet_req1: Good evening.
commoner3: m3_greet_req2: know where to go for the best merchandise....
commoner3: m3_greet_req3: How do you do?
commoner3: m3_gret1: Hmmm...nothin'.
commoner3: m3_gret2: Huh. Well, back to work.
commoner3: m3_gret3: Well, it wasn't anything.
commoner3: m3_gret_he1: Sometimes noises just happen...nothin' to worry about.
commoner3: m3_gret_he2: Ah! What's the point...I've heard worse sounds than that anyway....
commoner3: m3_gret_na1: Look at us fools, getting' worked up over nothin'.
commoner3: m3_gret_na2: Ain't nothin' here. You agree?
commoner3: m3_gret_se1: Well I didn't see nothin', I guess.
commoner3: m3_gret_se2: Just a figment in my mind's they say....
commoner3: m3_gsub1: Funny, that.
commoner3: m3_gsub2: There it goes again.
commoner3: m3_iann1: I can't deal with this on my own!
commoner3: m3_iann_citywatch1: Guards! Here! Over here! Catch him before he robs me!
commoner3: m3_iann_citywatch2: Where's the damn watchman?
commoner3: m3_iann_pl1: Ah! Who? Ah, wait there...I'll be right back with some help!
commoner3: m3_iann_pl2: What the--? I'm gonna go get someone to deal with you!
commoner3: m3_iann_pl3: Huh? Oh no! Don't hurt me! I'll get someone who's armed!
commoner3: m3_iann_pl4: Who the taff? I'm calling the guards on you!
commoner3: m3_iarr_gone1: Of course I'm sure...and this is definitely the right spot...but....
commoner3: m3_iarr_gone2: It was here, all right...I didn't imagine it....
commoner3: m3_iarr_gone_pl1: How should I know? He was here, now he's gone, that's the extent of my knowledge....
commoner3: m3_iarr_gone_pl2: What? He was right here a second ago....
commoner3: m3_iarr_pres1: See? What'll we do?
commoner3: m3_iarr_pres2: There! Just where I said it would be!
commoner3: m3_iarr_pres_pl1: There he is! Right where I left him!
commoner3: m3_iarr_pres_pl2: I told you I saw someone! Go get him!
commoner3: m3_idle1: Double-crossing, money-grubbing buzzard...a deal's a deal...he should know that...wait 'til word gets out...he'll get his....
commoner3: m3_idle2: Better talk to that tailor...this suit doesn't feel like silk...I'm sure I overpaid...maybe he can toss in a few matching kerchiefs to sweeten the deal....
commoner3: m3_idle3: Must have miscounted... thought last week's profits were twice that much...well...I can always dock Cromwell's pay...tell him it was his error....
commoner3: m3_idle4: Sure I'm successful...ain't no secret to it...just apply yourself...and never let the other guy get a leg up on you....
commoner3: m3_idle5: Ha...TOO much money...ain't no such thing...I don't know where she gets her crazy ideas...ridiculous woman....
commoner3: m3_idle_an1: Animals...don't care for 'em...unless they were to start making purchases, that is....
commoner3: m3_idle_bs1: Now, what was it I was doing down here? I was gonna get something...but what?
commoner3: m3_idle_bs2: Look at this place...dingy basement...I pay those louts good money to keep this place up...and look at my return....
commoner3: m3_idle_ou1: Customers stay away when it's cold like this....
commoner3: m3_idle_ou2: Folks should just put on a coat when it's cold...that's what I do...maybe I should sell coats too....
commoner3: m3_idle_ra1: Get out of here, ya rat! Yer hurtin' my business!
commoner3: m3_idle_st1: Being in town's given me an idea. Maybe keep my place open half an hour later than the competition, see what the gets me....
commoner3: m3_idle_st2: I don't care whether their rich or poor...just as long as they buy from me....
commoner3: m1_irep1: There's something weird going on! I just saw something!
commoner3: m1_irep2: I seen it! I seen it! I'm not sure what, but I seen it!
commoner3: m1_irep_body1: Back there! It's a-a-a dead person! Dead!
commoner3: m1_irep_body2: Help me! There's a dead body over there!
commoner3: m3_irep_ik1: It's the killer, all right...just wait 'til you see him!
commoner3: m3_irep_it1: Get going! He's probably stealing more stuff right now!
commoner3: m3_irep_pl1: Hurry up! Do what your paid to do! Go get him!
commoner3: m3_irep_pl2: Come on! I saw an intruder!
commoner3: m3_misc_blind_con1: Oooof...if I could only...ouch...see....
commoner3: m3_misc_blind_con2: Where...can't see a...ooof...thing....
commoner3: m3_misc_blind_con3: Oh boy...which way...oh....
commoner3: m3_misc_blind_end1: My eyesight's...coming back...slowly....
commoner3: m3_misc_blind_end2: Yes...eyesight's...starting to come back.
commoner3: m3_misc_blind_end3: There...there I think I can see again.
commoner3: m3_misc_blind_ini1: Oh, no! I'm blinded!
commoner3: m3_misc_blind_ini2: Aah! I've been blinded!
commoner3: m3_misc_blind_ini3: I can't see! I can't see!
commoner3: m3_misc_noisemak1: That is one strange sound....
commoner3: m3_misc_noisesup1: I think my ears just must have popped...strange.
commoner3: m3_misc_pickp1: It's gone! Right off my belt! The nerve!
commoner3: m3_misc_slip1: Heyyyy!
commoner3: m3_nbarrel1: Huh...the ol' hide-in-the-barrel trick...gets 'em every time....
commoner3: m3_nchair1: Hmmm...that chair....
commoner3: m3_ncouch1: Anything by the couch?
commoner3: m3_ncrate1: I'll just take a little look-see by these crates....
commoner3: m3_ndesk1: I'll just take a peek over by the desk....
commoner3: m3_ndoor1: Here I go to check the door....
commoner3: m3_nladder1: Something could hide near that ladder....
commoner3: m3_nmach1: The there's a hiding spot....
commoner3: m3_nshadow1: I'm gonna check that shadowy spot next....
commoner3: m3_nshelf1: I oughta check over by the shelves too....
commoner3: m3_nstatue1: Hmmm...I better check out that statue....
commoner3: m3_ntable1: Better check by the table....
commoner3: m3_obs_citywatch1: Make sure you check on my place tonight, officer.
commoner3: m3_obs_citywatch2: Evening, officer....
commoner3: m3_obs_commoner1: Your money's always good with me.
commoner3: m3_obs_commoner2: Catch up with you later, eh?
commoner3: m3_obs_guard1: No slacking, remember.
commoner3: m3_obs_hammer1: I'll just be on my way....
commoner3: m3_obs_hammer_friend1: Good luck with all your, er, building.
commoner3: m3_obs_noble1: (Fawning) What a splendid outfit...just call if there's anything I can do for you.
commoner3: m3_obs_noble2: Oh, yes, what are indeed looking well, have a pleasant evening....
commoner3: m3_obs_noblef1: A copper for an honest man, my lady?
commoner3: m3_obs_noblef2: (Muttering) thinks she's too good to look at me.
commoner3: m3_obs_noblem1: Could you spare a copper, your Lordship?
commoner3: m3_obs_noblem2: A pleasant evening to you and yours...m'lord.
commoner3: m3_obs_pagan1: Just leave me be. I don't go in for all that nature stuff....
commoner3: m3_obs_pagan_friend1: Ferns and leaves to you too.
commoner3: m3_obs_pl1: Hmm...what's with the hood? Probably unemployed....
commoner3: m3_obs_pl2: Tsk. Oughta get yourself decent mine.
commoner3: m3_obs_pl3: Don't look too familiar.
commoner3: m3_pagancornerstone1: Who put all the vines here?
commoner3: m3_rcon1: I won't hurt you...I promise....
commoner3: m3_rcon2: Some kind of cat and mouse game....
commoner3: m3_rcon3: What do you want, anyways?
commoner3: m3_rcon_he1: Where are ya now? Thought the sound came from over here....
commoner3: m3_rcon_he2: You sure make a lot of noise...for someone who doesn't seem to want to be found....
commoner3: m3_rcon_he3: You know I heard what's the point in hiding?
commoner3: m3_rcon_he_na1: This is creepy...searching for some noisy guy...and we don't have even the teeniest little plan....
commoner3: m3_rcon_he_na2: All I'm saying is, I heard it, right? So I've done my part, that's why you have to find it....
commoner3: m3_rcon_ia_na1: I don't know...seems like a strange night to me. Don't you think?
commoner3: m3_rcon_ik_na1: I'm almost too scared to heard about the murder, right?
commoner3: m3_rcon_it_na1: I ain't scared if it's the thief...are you?
commoner3: m3_rcon_na1: Quit kidding around...Help me find whoever this is!
commoner3: m3_rcon_na2: Have you thought about what we should do when we find this ah...person?
commoner3: m3_rcon_se1: I saw you there! Do you realize who you're messing with? I'm a very important business man!
commoner3: m3_rcon_se2: I seen you, taffer. There ain't no profit in hiding, you know.
commoner3: m3_rcon_se3: I saw you all right! (To self) Times like this is when I wish I carried a blade....
commoner3: m3_rcon_se_na1: I'm telling you I don't know what I saw...but let's keep looking anyway, OK?
commoner3: m3_rcon_se_na2: I seen seen it...all that's left is for see us....
commoner3: m3_repri_bump_init1: Hey! Walking here!
commoner3: m3_repri_bump_init2: Watch where you're going, ay?
commoner3: m3_repri_hurt_init1: You ain't got no cause to hurt me!
commoner3: m3_repri_hurtother_init1: They didn't deserve nothin'!
commoner3: m3_repri_hurtother_sub1: They didn't do nothing to you! Stop hurting them!
commoner3: m3_repri_lockp_init1: That's supposed to stay locked!
commoner3: m3_repri_odd_init1: You better cut that out.
commoner3: m3_repri_over1: That's better, then. Let's get back to business.
commoner3: m3_repri_over2: Well you've calmed down, I see. I won't call the Watch, then.
commoner3: m3_repri_stare_init1: Why're you lookin' at me like that?
commoner3: m3_repri_stare_init2: I don't like being stared at.
commoner3: m3_repri_theft_init1: You can't just go taking an honest merchant's things!
commoner3: m3_repri_theft_init2: Thief! Unhand that! It's not for sale!
commoner3: m3_repri_threat_init1: What's it you're after? Do you know who I am?
commoner3: m3_repri_threat_sub1: You, you... ruffian! Stop that at once!
commoner3: m3_repri_threat_sub2: Are you going to kill me?
commoner3: m3_repri_thrown_init1: Watch it with that!
commoner3: m3_repri_thrown_sub1: Can you stop it, please?
commoner3: m3_repri_tres_init1: Beat it, buster! You're not one of my customers.
commoner3: m3_repri_tres_init2: Private property, pal. Just be on your way now.
commoner3: m3_repri_vandal_init1: Have you paid for that? I think not!
commoner3: m3_repri_vandal_sub1: You're gonna get in big trouble, you keep breaking stuff.
commoner3: m3_rini1: I know you're there! Is this about that deal that went sour?
commoner3: m3_rini2: Who is it? Who's there?
commoner3: m3_rini3: Who's there? Who sent ya?
commoner3: m3_rini4: Who's that then?
commoner3: m3_rini5: What's going on?
commoner3: m3_rini_he1: I know you're there! I can hear everything you do!
commoner3: m3_rini_he2: Sounded close...and kinda big....
commoner3: m3_rini_he3: What's with all the noise?
commoner3: m3_rini_he_na1: Oh heard THAT, right?
commoner3: m3_rini_he_na2: We can hear that, you know!
commoner3: m3_rini_se1: What's that I'm seein' there?
commoner3: m3_rini_se2: Hey! Is that somebody? I see you!
commoner3: m3_rini_se3: All right! I saw that! Clear as day!
commoner3: m3_rini_se_na1: We saw that you know...hello?
commoner3: m3_rini_se_na2: You tell me what you think you saw...then I'll tell you what I think I saw...OK?
commoner3: m3_rnew1: That. What the heck is that?
commoner3: m3_rnew2: Again. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you're there.
commoner3: m3_rnew3: Hold yer horses...I am trying to find you, you know.
commoner3: m3_rnew_he1: I can hear you. And I'm not scared either.
commoner3: m3_rnew_se1: There! Who's that I see there?
commoner3: m3_rpre1: Oh my gosh!
commoner3: m3_rpre3: Oh boy!
commoner3: m3_rret1: Ah...what am I doing? Obviously there isn't anyone here. Maybe never was.
commoner3: m3_rret2: Nothing. And look at all the time I just wasted. Ridiculous.
commoner3: m3_rret3: There's no one here. Sometimes I don't know what I'm thinking.
commoner3: m3_rret_he1: Whoever it was I heard...they heard me too...and ran off somewheres....
commoner3: m3_rret_na1: Well, can't say as I'm not relieved...I mean...imagine if we actually found someone, eh?
commoner3: m3_rret_ra1: What? I can't believe I'd get so worked up over a stupid ol' rat.
commoner3: m3_rret_se1: I guess it coulda been animal or something I saw....
commoner3: m3_rsur_ev_com1: Look out!
commoner3: m3_rsur_ev_com2: Ambush!
commoner3: m3_sleeping1: (Talking in sleep) Oooh...pancakes syrup...that's right...butter...mmmmm....
commoner3: m3_sndocc1: Can't hear myself think over this din!
commoner3: m3_valley1: I seen him! I seen him! In the alley!
commoner3: m3_vatrium1: I saw someone in the atrium!
commoner3: m3_vbathrm1: Oh, sorry, pardon me--Hey! Who the heck are you?
commoner3: m3_vbedrm1: There's a stranger in the bedchamber!
commoner3: m3_vbsmt1: There's a guy in the basement!
commoner3: m3_vchamber1: Quick! He's in the chamber!
commoner3: m3_vchapel1: There's a stranger in the chapel...I don't think he's there to pray!
commoner3: m3_vcourtyd1: Intruder in the courtyard! Help!
commoner3: m3_vhall1: There's a stranger in the hallway!
commoner3: m3_vinside1: Oh! He's in the building! Where are our defenses?
commoner3: m3_vkitchen1: Hey! You're not the cook!
commoner3: m3_vlibrary1: You there! Get away from those books!
commoner3: m3_voutside1: Everybody! I just saw someone outside!
commoner3: m3_vrafters1: Look up! Someone's got into the rafters!
commoner3: m3_vroof1: On the roof! How'd he get up there?
commoner3: m3_vstairs1: Stranger on the steps!
commoner3: m3_vstreet1: I just saw him on the street!
commoner3: m3_ycon1: Hmmm...I don't think it's anything...unless...did I forget to lock up...?
commoner3: m3_ycon2: These pays to be doesn't actually pay cash money...but you end up ahead in the long run....
commoner3: m3_ycon3: If someone's should know that I have friends in very high places....
commoner3: m3_ycon4: I'm just going to casually search around...and if anyone's there...maybe they could leave or something....
commoner3: m3_ycon_he1: Well I heard something, so may as well check....
commoner3: m3_ycon_he2: Hopefully that sound was just...a sound....
commoner3: m3_ycon_he_na1: Give a little yell if you hear it again.
commoner3: m3_ycon_he_na2: Let's see if we hear it again.
commoner3: m3_ycon_na1: Hope it's not the boogeyman...or the old grey lady...those're just stories to scare kids...right?
commoner3: m3_ycon_na2: You look over there...I'll check around here....
commoner3: m3_ycon_se1: Whatever I seen, thought it was around here....
commoner3: m3_ycon_se2: Thought I saw...but my eyes ain't what they used to be....
commoner3: m3_ycon_se_na1: Do you see it now?
commoner3: m3_ycon_se_na2: What did it look like to you?
commoner3: m3_yini1: OK, what's going on?
commoner3: m3_yini2: Hey...something over there?
commoner3: m3_yini3: That you?
commoner3: m3_yini_he1: Now that's an odd kinda noise.
commoner3: m3_yini_he2: Didn't expect to hear that.
commoner3: m3_yini_he3: Weird noise, that.
commoner3: m3_yini_he_na1: Oh, hush up. I just heard something.
commoner3: m3_yini_he_na2: Quiet! Something just made a noise.
commoner3: m3_yini_se1: OK, something moved.
commoner3: m3_yini_se2: I seen somethin'...don't know what.
commoner3: m3_yini_se_na1: Oh, looky there. See that?
commoner3: m3_yini_se_na2: Did you see it? Tell me you did.
commoner3: m3_ynew1: Did it again....
commoner3: m3_ynew2: Oh...there it is...wish it would just go away....
commoner3: m3_ynew3: There. What the heck?
commoner3: m3_yret1: No one there. I need to relax a bit...I really do.
commoner3: m3_yret2: Nothing. I don't like wasting my time like that. Time is money....
commoner3: m3_yret3: Nothing there. But I'm just gonna pat myself on the back for a job well done...yup, I did some good searching just then.
commoner3: m3_yret_he1: Well, I guess it could've been the wind I heard....
commoner3: m3_yret_he2: Come to think of it, anything could have made that sound...a rat for instance....
commoner3: m3_yret_na1: Would you look at us? Couple a scared fools...there ain't nothin' here but us....
commoner3: m3_yret_ra1: A rat...I guess that explains it then.
commoner3: m3_yret_se1: When you work as hard as I're bound to see a few things that aren't really there....
commoner3: m3_yret_se2: I guess I didn't see anything after all...nothing important anyway....

Servant 3:

commoner3: s3_blame_maj1: Aha! I know you're the culprit! I'm gonna get someone to deal with you!
commoner3: s3_blame_min1: You did that? Can't you stop it?
commoner3: s3_cdam_hi1: Gah! Why me?
commoner3: s3_cdam_hi2: Aah! Stop! Stop, please!
commoner3: s3_cdam_hi_na1: Gah! Stop him! Quick!
commoner3: s3_cdam_lo1: Stop that this instant!
commoner3: s3_cdam_med1: Ow! Leave me alone!
commoner3: s3_cdam_no1: Was that supposed to hurt?
commoner3: s3_cdie_ko1: No...oh....
commoner3: s3_cdie_words1: Gaaa! Nobody likes me....
commoner3: s3_crime_hurtother1: He's gonna go after me next!
commoner3: s3_crime_kill1: Did you just--Aaah!
commoner3: s3_crime_lockp1: There's a guy here tryin' to get this open!
commoner3: s3_crime_theft1: There's a guy just stole something!
commoner3: s3_crime_threat1: I ain't sticking around to be killed!
commoner3: s3_crime_tres1: We got an intruder!
commoner3: s3_crime_vandal1: There's a crazy guy here smashing stuff!
commoner3: s3_crime_wanted1: I saw him on that poster!
commoner3: s3_crime_wanted2: There's a reward for him!
commoner3: s3_ev_ally1: Supposed to be here...hmmm....
commoner3: s3_ev_ally_na1: Hmmm...should we be worried that they're not here?
commoner3: s3_ev_ally_spooked1: Don't will arrive soon....
commoner3: s3_ev_allyf1: Maybe she had to run off for some reason....
commoner3: s3_ev_allym1: Told me he was gonna be here...very strange....
commoner3: s3_ev_an_spooked1: Something's got those critters all stirred up.
commoner3: s3_ev_blood1: Is that--? Oh's blood, all right....
commoner3: s3_ev_blood2: Blood! Eew!
commoner3: s3_ev_body1: Oh my good gracious! A body!
commoner3: s3_ev_body2: Hey you, fell asleep did ya? Oh no! You're dead!
commoner3: s3_ev_body_na1: No, don't touch the body! They'll think you're the one did the killin'!
commoner3: s3_ev_body_na2: Look...stone cold dead...they're gonna want to question us....
commoner3: s3_ev_bodyf1: What kind of coward would kill a woman?
commoner3: s3_ev_bodyf2: She's been murdered!
commoner3: s3_ev_bodyf_na1: Look, she's been killed...we could be next....
commoner3: s3_ev_bodym1: But...who would want him dead?
commoner3: s3_ev_bodym2: Help! A man's been killed!
commoner3: s3_ev_bodym_na1: Don't give me that look! I didn't kill him, and you know it!
commoner3: s3_ev_com1: I'm not a fightin' man.
commoner3: s3_ev_dam1: Who did that?
commoner3: s3_ev_dam2: Ouch! Where'd that come from?
commoner3: s3_ev_door1: What's this doing open?
commoner3: s3_ev_door2: Am I the only one who can remember to shut a door?
commoner3: s3_ev_door_na1: Next time, you should remember to close that door, OK?
commoner3: s3_ev_door_na2: Hey! You left this door open again, you lazy lug!
commoner3: s3_ev_enemybody1: Someone did you a favor killin' you.
commoner3: s3_ev_felt1: Hey! Whatcha do that for?
commoner3: s3_ev_felt2: Stop it!
commoner3: s3_ev_lightext1: All right, very funny, ha, ha. Now could ya' turn those back on....
commoner3: s3_ev_lightoff1: I can't be expected to do my bit if they're gonna turn the lights off.
commoner3: s3_ev_lightoff2: Lights are off. Maybe they're broke.
commoner3: s3_ev_loot1: Oh, that's just great. What else is missing? What's going on around here?
commoner3: s3_ev_loot2: If everyone would just do their job...things wouldn't go missing like this!
commoner3: s3_ev_loot_na1: Well, if not you, then who could've taken it?
commoner3: s3_ev_maj1: No! Tell me it isn't so!
commoner3: s3_ev_maj2: I am not seeing this! I am NOT seeing this!
commoner3: s3_ev_med1: Oh, boy...oh boy oh boy....
commoner3: s3_ev_med2: This doesn't look good....
commoner3: s3_ev_min1: Odd....
commoner3: s3_ev_min2: Now that's unusual.
commoner3: s3_ev_res1: Some kind of a tussle....
commoner3: s3_ev_ret1: Fine. I tried. There's nothing I can do. May as well get back to my duties.
commoner3: s3_ev_ret_ik1: Ah...forget it...I should just feel lucky I guess that the killer didn't get me too....
commoner3: s3_ev_shadow1: Odd sort of shadow just there....
commoner3: s3_ev_torchext1: Hey! Did someone just dowse that torch?
commoner3: s3_ev_torchtoff1: If I see him, I'll tell the torch boy this one's gone out.
commoner3: s3_ev_torchtoff2: They don't make these torches like they used to.
commoner3: s3_fatigue_epi1: Not used to...all this activity....
commoner3: s3_fcon1: Ah! Coming through!
commoner3: s3_fcon2: Right on my heels....
commoner3: s3_fcon3: Have I lost 'em?
commoner3: s3_fcon4: Get me outa this place!
commoner3: s3_fcon5: Which way is best....
commoner3: s3_fcon_ik1: Please don't kill me!
commoner3: s3_fcon_ik2: Leave me alone, you murderer!
commoner3: s3_fcow1: Hey, I just work here!
commoner3: s3_fcow2: Don't hurt me, I didn't see nothin'.
commoner3: s3_fcow3: No! I-I'm unarmed!
commoner3: s3_fhid1: It'll be over soon....
commoner3: s3_fhid2: They won't find me here...will they?
commoner3: s3_fini1: I'm off!
commoner3: s3_fini2: Yikes!
commoner3: s3_fini_human1: It's not me you want!
commoner3: s3_fini_monster1: It's not even human!
commoner3: s3_fini_na1: Let's get out of here!
commoner3: s3_fini_pl1: Ah! Now...stay calm! Let's be reasonable!
commoner3: s3_fini_pl2: Who the taff are you? Just leave me alone!
commoner3: s3_fini_pl3: Oh my! I'm unarmed you know!
commoner3: s3_fini_pl4: Wha--? Stay back! Don't hurt me!
commoner3: s3_fini_pl5: Ah! Uh oh. This isn't good. I have to get away!
commoner3: s3_fini_pl_ik1: Huh? Stay away! Please...I want to live!
commoner3: s3_fini_pl_ik2: Who's that? Ah! Don't kill me, I beg you!
commoner3: s3_fini_pl_it1: What? Don't hurt me! I have nothing of value, thief!
commoner3: s3_fini_pl_it2: Who's that? Oh no! Just let me be, you robber!
commoner3: s3_fini_zombie1: It's the undead! They want my brain!
commoner3: s3_fsub1: Why won't you let me be?
commoner3: s3_fsub2: How did you find me?
commoner3: s3_gcon2: I'll just see if it does it again....
commoner3: s3_gcon_he1: Mighta heard something....
commoner3: s3_gcon_he2: That sound has given me reason to pause, as they say uptown....
commoner3: s3_gcon_he_na1: No, was some kinda sound, you didn't hear it?
commoner3: s3_gcon_he_na2: Quit makin' noise...I'm trying to hear something....
commoner3: s3_gcon_se1: Mighta seen...not really sure....
commoner3: s3_gcon_se2: Coulda been something moving....
commoner3: s3_gcon_se_na1: It was...I dunno...didn't ya see it?
commoner3: s3_gcon_se_na2: I don't know what I saw...but it would make me feel better if you had a look-see.
commoner3: s3_gen_aha1: Have you been hiding?
commoner3: s3_gen_dazed1: What...who...where...oh boy....
commoner3: s3_gen_dismiss1: Someone else will have to deal with it.
commoner3: s3_gen_dunno1: I dunno...why you asking me?
commoner3: s3_gen_frust1: Of all the...frustrating....
commoner3: s3_gen_igetit1: That's it! I'm a genius!
commoner3: s3_gen_no1: No way.
commoner3: s3_gen_oops1: Ooops...clumsy me.
commoner3: s3_gen_snapout1: Hey you!
commoner3: s3_gen_startled2: Eeegads!
commoner3: s3_gen_suffer1: My poor noggin...oh....
commoner3: s3_gen_thanks1: Thanks a lot.
commoner3: s3_gen_yes1: Absolutely.
commoner3: s3_gini3: All right....
commoner3: s3_gini_he1: Did I just hear...?
commoner3: s3_gini_he2: Was that a noise?
commoner3: s3_gini_se1: Hey, I think I'm seein' things.
commoner3: s3_gini_se2: Now, what would be moving over there?
commoner3: s3_greet_reply1: Don't even ask.
commoner3: s3_greet_reply2: Yer a sight for sore eyes.
commoner3: s3_greet_reply3: Evening to you.
commoner3: s3_greet_req1: Evening there.
commoner3: s3_greet_req2: How was your day?
commoner3: s3_greet_req3: I trust all's well with you?
commoner3: s3_gret1: All's well, I guess.
commoner3: s3_gret2: Nothing after all.
commoner3: s3_gret3: Hmmm. Never mind.
commoner3: s3_gret_he1: Sometimes noises just happen...nothin' to worry about.
commoner3: s3_gret_he2: Ah! What's the point...I've heard worse sounds than that anyway....
commoner3: s3_gret_na1: Look at us fools, getting' worked up over nothin'.
commoner3: s3_gret_na2: Ain't nothin' here. You agree?
commoner3: s3_gret_se1: Well I didn't see nothin', I guess.
commoner3: s3_gret_se2: Just a figment in my mind's they say....
commoner3: s3_gsub1: Funny, that.
commoner3: s3_gsub2: There it goes again.
commoner3: s3_iann1: I better get some help or something!
commoner3: c3_iann_citywatch1: Hey! Guards! Over here!
commoner3: c3_iann_citywatch2: Where's the damn watchman?
commoner3: s3_iann_pl1: Ah! Who? Ah, wait there...I'll be right back with some help!
commoner3: s3_iann_pl2: What the--? I'm gonna go get someone to deal with you!
commoner3: s3_iann_pl3: Huh? Oh no! Don't hurt me! I'll get someone who's armed!
commoner3: s3_iann_pl4: Who the taff? I'm calling the guards on you!
commoner3: s3_iarr_gone1: Of course I'm sure...and this is definitely the right spot...but....
commoner3: s3_iarr_gone2: It was here all right...I didn't imagine it....
commoner3: s3_iarr_gone_pl1: How should I know? He was here, now he's gone, that's the extent of my knowledge....
commoner3: s3_iarr_gone_pl2: What? He was right here a second ago....
commoner3: s3_iarr_pres1: See? What'll we do?
commoner3: s3_iarr_pres2: There! Just where I said it would be!
commoner3: s3_iarr_pres_pl1: There he is! Right where I left him!
commoner3: s3_iarr_pres_pl2: I told you I saw someone! Go get him!
commoner3: s3_idle1: Not nearly enough help around here...I can't do it all myself...I'm just one man....
commoner3: s3_idle2: If I told them once I told them a thousand times...don't give the servants beer at lunch...makes the whole afternoon a waste....
commoner3: s3_idle3: She's a fine one to talk she is...well, she'll get what's coming to her....
commoner3: s3_idle4: He's always got an's the same every day...I do his work...he says he's sorry...and then comes the excuses....
commoner3: s3_idle5: I was meant for better than this...mammy used to say ol' Uncle Billy came from money...but we never saw a penny of it....
commoner3: s3_idle_an1: The life of an animal...must be get out of here, fleabag!
commoner3: s3_idle_bs1: (Sarcastic) This is perfect. Perfect a perfect day...stuck down here in this damp hole of a basement....
commoner3: s3_idle_bs2: (Sarcastic) The cellar...great...every servant's dream come true....
commoner3: s3_idle_ou1: I find it hard to believe there was no one else available to do this outdoorsy type work....
commoner3: s3_idle_ou2:'s downright chilly out here...downright chilly....
commoner3: s3_idle_ra1: A rat. Lowliest of all rodents. Maybe we still have those traps somewhere....
commoner3: s3_idle_st1: Just my one night off this month...and there isn't one decent thing to do in town....
commoner3: s3_idle_st2: I guess I could stop in for a brew somewhere...that wouldn't be so bad....
commoner3: s1_irep1: There's something weird going on! I just saw something!
commoner3: s1_irep2: I seen it! I seen it! I'm not sure what, but I seen it!
commoner3: s1_irep_body1: Back there! It's a-a-a dead person! Dead!
commoner3: s1_irep_body2: Help me! There's a dead body over there!
commoner3: s3_irep_ik1: It's the killer all right...just wait 'til you see him!
commoner3: s3_irep_it1: It's him, the thief! Follow me!
commoner3: s3_irep_pl1: There's a guy...he...oh, just come and help will ya?
commoner3: s3_irep_pl2: Help me! I saw somebody!
commoner3: s3_misc_blind_con1: Oooof...if I could only...ouch...see....
commoner3: s3_misc_blind_con2: Where...can't see a...ooof...thing....
commoner3: s3_misc_blind_con3: Oh boy...which way...oh....
commoner3: s3_misc_blind_end1: My eye sight's...coming back...slowly....
commoner3: s3_misc_blind_end2: Yes...eyesight's...starting to come back.
commoner3: s3_misc_blind_end3: There...there I think I can see again.
commoner3: s3_misc_blind_ini1: Oh, no! I'm blinded!
commoner3: s3_misc_blind_ini2: Aah! I've been blinded!
commoner3: s3_misc_blind_ini3: I can't see! I can't see!
commoner3: s3_misc_noisemak1: That is one strange sound....
commoner3: s3_misc_noisesup1: I think my ears just must have popped...strange.
commoner3: s3_misc_pickp1: What the--? Someone took it! Right off my person!
commoner3: s3_misc_slip1: Heyyyy!
commoner3: s3_nbarrel1: Huh...the ol' hide in the barrel trick...gets 'em every time....
commoner3: s3_nchair1: Hmmm...that chair....
commoner3: s3_ncouch1: Anything by the couch?
commoner3: s3_ncrate1: I'll just take a little look-see by these crates....
commoner3: s3_ndesk1: I'll just take a peek over by the desk....
commoner3: s3_ndoor1: Here I go to check the door....
commoner3: s3_nladder1: Something could hide near that ladder....
commoner3: s3_nmach1: The there's a hiding spot....
commoner3: s3_nshadow1: I'm gonna check that shadowy spot next....
commoner3: s3_nshelf1: I oughta check over by the shelves too....
commoner3: s3_nstatue1: Hmmm...I better check out that statue....
commoner3: s3_ntable1: Better check by the table....
commoner3: s3_obs_citywatch1: Never there when you need 'em.
commoner3: s3_obs_citywatch2: Evening, officer....
commoner3: s3_obs_commoner1: Hey, how are things?
commoner3: s3_obs_commoner2: Catch up with you later, eh?
commoner3: s3_obs_guard1: Must get hard on the feet.
commoner3: s3_obs_hammer1: I'll just be on my way....
commoner3: s3_obs_hammer_friend1: Good luck with all your, er, building.
commoner3: s3_obs_noble1: Didn't mean any harm.
commoner3: s3_obs_noblef1: A copper for an honest man, my lady?
commoner3: s3_obs_noblef2: (Muttered) thinks she's too good to look at me.
commoner3: s3_obs_noblem1: Could you spare a copper, your Lordship?
commoner3: s3_obs_noblem2: A pleasant evening to you and yours...m'lord.
commoner3: s3_obs_pagan1: Just leave me be. I don't go in for all that nature stuff....
commoner3: s3_obs_pagan_friend1: Ferns and leaves to you, too.
commoner3: s3_obs_pl1: Evening.
commoner3: s3_obs_pl2: How do?
commoner3: s3_obs_pl3: Don't look too familiar.
commoner3: s3_pagancornerstone1: Who put all the vines here?
commoner3: s3_rcon1: I won't hurt you...I promise....
commoner3: s3_rcon2: Some kind of cat and mouse game....
commoner3: s3_rcon3: What do you want, anyways?
commoner3: s3_rcon_he1: Where are ya now? Thought the sound came from over here....
commoner3: s3_rcon_he2: You sure make a lot of noise...for someone who doesn't seem to want to be found....
commoner3: s3_rcon_he3: You know I heard what's the point in hiding?
commoner3: s3_rcon_he_na1: This is creepy...searching for some noisy guy...and we don't have even the teeniest little plan....
commoner3: s3_rcon_he_na2: All I'm saying is, I heard it, right? So I've done my part, that's why you have to find it....
commoner3: s3_rcon_ia_na1: I don't know...seems like a strange night to me. Don't you think?
commoner3: s3_rcon_ik_na1: I'm almost too scared to heard about the murder, right?
commoner3: s3_rcon_it_na1: I ain't scared if it's the thief...are you?
commoner3: s3_rcon_na1: Quit kidding around...Help me find whoever this is!
commoner3: s3_rcon_na2: Have you thought about what we should do when we find this ah...person?
commoner3: s3_rcon_se1: Hey! I saw that! I must insist that you come out at once!
commoner3: s3_rcon_se2: I saw that. I hope you realize I'm not amused.
commoner3: s3_rcon_se3: I saw you all right! (To self) Times like this is when I wish I carried a blade....
commoner3: s3_rcon_se_na1: I'm telling you I don't know what I saw...but let's keep looking anyway, OK?
commoner3: s3_rcon_se_na2: I seen seen it...all that's left is for see us....
commoner3: s3_repri_bump_init1: Hey! Walking here!
commoner3: s3_repri_bump_init2: Watch where you're going, ay?
commoner3: s3_repri_hurt_init1: You ain't got no cause to hurt me!
commoner3: s3_repri_hurtother_init1: They didn't deserve nothin'!
commoner3: s3_repri_hurtother_sub1: They didn't do nothing to you! Stop hurting them!
commoner3: s3_repri_lockp_init1: That's supposed to stay locked!
commoner3: s3_repri_odd_init1: You better cut that out.
commoner3: s3_repri_over1: That's better. We didn't need no more trouble.
commoner3: s3_repri_over2: That's good, then. Thanks for behaving.
commoner3: s3_repri_stare_init1: Why're you lookin' at me like that?
commoner3: s3_repri_stare_init2: I don't like being stared at.
commoner3: s3_repri_theft_init1: You can't just go takin' whatever you want!
commoner3: s3_repri_theft_init2: What are you doing? That's mine!
commoner3: s3_repri_threat_init1: What's your beef with me, sir?
commoner3: s3_repri_threat_sub1: C'mon! Stop that!
commoner3: s3_repri_threat_sub2: Are you going to kill me?
commoner3: s3_repri_thrown_init1: Watch it with that!
commoner3: s3_repri_thrown_sub1: Can you stop it, please?
commoner3: s3_repri_tres_init1: Private property, pal. Just be on your way now.
commoner3: s3_repri_tres_init2: You can't just come in here!
commoner3: s3_repri_vandal_init1: Hey! That's all broken now!
commoner3: s3_repri_vandal_sub1: You're gonna get in big trouble, you keep breaking stuff.
commoner3: s3_rini1: All right! I'm busy you know! Hello?
commoner3: s3_rini2: Just my luck...trouble must be my middle name....
commoner3: s3_rini3: Right! I know that's somebody! What's going on?
commoner3: s3_rini4: Who's that, then?
commoner3: s3_rini5: What's going on?
commoner3: s3_rini_he1: I know you're there! I can hear everything you do!
commoner3: s3_rini_he2: Sounded close...and kinda big....
commoner3: s3_rini_he3: What's with all the noise?
commoner3: s3_rini_he_na1: Oh heard THAT, right?
commoner3: s3_rini_he_na2: We can hear that you know!
commoner3: s3_rini_se1: What's that I'm seein' there?
commoner3: s3_rini_se2: Hey! Is that somebody? I see you!
commoner3: s3_rini_se3: All right! I saw that! Clear as day!
commoner3: s3_rini_se_na1: We saw that you know...hello?
commoner3: s3_rini_se_na2: You tell me what you think you saw...then I'll tell you what I think I saw...OK?
commoner3: s3_rnew1: That. What the heck is that?
commoner3: s3_rnew2: Again. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you're there.
commoner3: s3_rnew3: Hold yer horses...I am trying to find you, you know.
commoner3: s3_rnew_he1: Hmmm...sounds like I might be getting closer....
commoner3: s3_rnew_se1: There! Who's that I see there?
commoner3: s3_rpre1: Oh my gosh!
commoner3: s3_rpre3: Oh boy!
commoner3: s3_rret1: Enough! I've wasted enough time trying to find what's not even there.
commoner3: s3_rret2: Well...if someone was there...they've moved on now....
commoner3: s3_rret3: Probably just someone playing a trick on me...they all hate me....
commoner3: s3_rret_he1: Whoever it was I heard...they heard me too...and ran off somewheres....
commoner3: s3_rret_na1: Well, can't say as I'm not relieved...I mean...imagine if we actually found someone, eh?
commoner3: s3_rret_ra1: What? I can't believe I'd get so worked up over a stupid ol' rat.
commoner3: s3_rret_se1: I guess it coulda been animal or something I saw....
commoner3: s3_rsur_ev_com1: Look out!
commoner3: s3_rsur_ev_com2: Ambush!
commoner3: s3_sleeping1: (Talking in sleep) Oooh...pancakes syrup...that's right...butter...mmmmm....
commoner3: s3_sndocc1: Can't hear myself think over this din!
commoner3: s3_valley1: I seen him! I seen him! In the alley!
commoner3: s3_vatrium1: I saw someone in the atrium!
commoner3: s3_vbathrm1: Oh, sorry, pardon me--Hey! Who the heck are you?
commoner3: s3_vbedrm1: There's a stranger in the bedchamber!
commoner3: s3_vbsmt1: There's a guy in the basement!
commoner3: s3_vchamber1: Quick! He's in the chamber!
commoner3: s3_vchapel1: There's a stranger in the chapel...I don't think he's there to pray!
commoner3: s3_vcourtyd1: Intruder in the courtyard! Help!
commoner3: s3_vhall1: There's a stranger in the hallway!
commoner3: s3_vinside1: Oh! He's in the building! Where are our defenses!
commoner3: s3_vkitchen1: Hey! You're not the cook!
commoner3: s3_vlibrary1: You there! Get away from those books!
commoner3: s3_voutside1: Everybody! I just saw someone outside!
commoner3: s3_vrafters1: Look up! Someone's got into the rafters!
commoner3: s3_vroof1: On the roof! How'd he get up there?
commoner3: s3_vstairs1: Stranger on the steps!
commoner3: s3_vstreet1: I just saw him on the street!
commoner3: s3_ycon1: This better be something...I got work to do....
commoner3: s3_ycon2: My's some monster like out of those horror stories... 'Old grey lady is after me'... Creepy stuff....
commoner3: s3_ycon3: All right...if someone's there...just come out...I've got things to do you know....
commoner3: s3_ycon4: This is such a waste of time...chances are it wasn't anything anyway....
commoner3: s3_ycon_he1: Well I heard something, so may as well check....
commoner3: s3_ycon_he2: Hopefully that sound was just...a sound....
commoner3: s3_ycon_he_na1: Give a little yell if you hear it again.
commoner3: s3_ycon_he_na2: Let's see if we hear it again.
commoner3: s3_ycon_na1: Hope it's not the boogeyman...or the old grey lady...those're just stories to scare kids...right?
commoner3: s3_ycon_na2: You look over there...I'll check around here....
commoner3: s3_ycon_se1: Whatever I seen, thought it was around here....
commoner3: s3_ycon_se2: Thought I saw...but my eyes ain't what they used to be....
commoner3: s3_ycon_se_na1: Do you see it now?
commoner3: s3_ycon_se_na2: What did it look like to you?
commoner3: s3_yini1: OK, what's going on?
commoner3: s3_yini2: Hey...something over there?
commoner3: s3_yini3: That you?
commoner3: s3_yini_he1: Now that's an odd kinda noise.
commoner3: s3_yini_he2: Didn't expect to hear that.
commoner3: s3_yini_he3: Weird noise, that.
commoner3: s3_yini_he_na1: Oh, hush up. I just heard something.
commoner3: s3_yini_he_na2: Quiet! Something just made a noise.
commoner3: s3_yini_se1: OK, something moved.
commoner3: s3_yini_se2: I seen somethin'...don't know what.
commoner3: s3_yini_se_na1: Oh, looky there. See that?
commoner3: s3_yini_se_na2: Did you see it? Tell me you did.
commoner3: s3_ynew1: Did it again....
commoner3: s3_ynew2: Oh...there it is...wish it would just go away....
commoner3: s3_ynew3: There. What the heck?
commoner3: s3_yret1: Well...looks like it was nothing. Now I'm behind on my duties though....
commoner3: s3_yret2: Nothing. All's well. I need to relax a bit...focus my mind on the task at hand....
commoner3: s3_yret3: Hmmm...nothing's there. I guess I'm too tense is all.
commoner3: s3_yret_he1: Well, I guess it could've been the wind I heard....
commoner3: s3_yret_he2: Come to think of it, anything could have made that sound...a rat for instance....
commoner3: s3_yret_na1: Would you look at us? Couple a scared fools...there ain't nothin' here but us....
commoner3: s3_yret_ra1: A rat...I guess that explains it then.
commoner3: s3_yret_se1: When you work as hard as I're bound to see a few things that aren't really there....
commoner3: s3_yret_se2: I guess I didn't see anything after all...nothing important anyway....
