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keeperelder1: ke1_blame_maj1: There! I have seen what you did! Such behavior goes beyond the pale.
keeperelder1: ke1_blame_min1: I have seen what you have done. That will be quite enough.
keeperelder1: ke1_catt1: Take that!
keeperelder1: ke1_catt2: Die!
keeperelder1: ke1_catt3: Feel pain.
keeperelder1: ke1_catt_hi1: I am the stronger!
keeperelder1: ke1_catt_hi_na1: You cannot win against us.
keeperelder1: ke1_catt_lo1: This is...not my fight....
keeperelder1: ke1_catt_lo_na1: Help me, before I fail completely....
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_hi1: Aaah! Getting too old....
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_hi2: Ah—A terrible blow!
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_hi3: Ngg! I am...besieged!
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_hi_na1: Arrgh! Hurry and help me!
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_hi_na2: Ugh! Aid me, I am wounded!
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_hi_na3: Aahh! I am in need of your help....
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_lo1: Hey!
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_lo2: Desist.
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_lo3: Enough.
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_med1: Aahh!
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_med2: Too much!
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_med3: That pained me.
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_no1: That was it?
keeperelder1: ke1_cdam_no2: That attack lacked the required...oomph.
keeperelder1: ke1_cdie_drown1: Yah! Heeelllp! (Gurgling).
keeperelder1: ke1_cdie_words1: Gah! Never got to memoirs....
keeperelder1: ke1_chit_ran1: I aimed...well.
keeperelder1: ke1_cini1: Found you! Betrayer, no more!
keeperelder1: ke1_cini2: I see you. So, it's come to this....
keeperelder1: ke1_cini3: You are found. Prepare to die!
keeperelder1: ke1_cini4: I knew it. Time to die.
keeperelder1: ke1_cini5: Now that you are found, let the fighting begin....
keeperelder1: ke1_cini_human1: You are most...unwelcome.
keeperelder1: ke1_cini_human_na1: Come on! We must end this one!
keeperelder1: ke1_cini_ik1: Aha! You are found! And will not live to kill again....
keeperelder1: ke1_cini_it1: I have you now! Time to die, thief.
keeperelder1: ke1_cini_monster1: How'd that...thing...get in here?
keeperelder1: ke1_cini_monster_na1: Hurry. It is our duty to destroy it.
keeperelder1: ke1_cini_na1: Here he is! Hurry! After him!
keeperelder1: ke1_cini_na2: Found you! Come on...we must stop the Betrayer!
keeperelder1: ke1_cret_kil1: I am...finished.
keeperelder1: ke1_cret_kil2: Now you know...but it's too late....
keeperelder1: ke1_cret_kil3: My duty is done.
keeperelder1: ke1_cret_kil_na1: Fine work. Together we have won this day....
keeperelder1: ke1_cret_kil_na2: Well done. We have returned the balance.
keeperelder1: ke1_cret_kil_pl1: Brethren and just a corpse....
keeperelder1: ke1_cret_kil_pl_na1: So...we have avenged Caduca's death...all is well, is it not?
keeperelder1: ke1_crime_hurtother1: Will you try to kill me, next? Then be killed!
keeperelder1: ke1_crime_kill1: Murder now, Garrett? You will pay in full!
keeperelder1: ke1_crime_lockp1: You have broken our trust once too many times.
keeperelder1: ke1_crime_theft1: Theft now? You go too far. I will show you your error.
keeperelder1: ke1_crime_threat1: You have threatened a Keeper one time too many!
keeperelder1: ke1_crime_tres1: Your temerity knows no bounds, to have entered the Forbidden Library!
keeperelder1: ke1_crime_vandal1: Garrett, you have transgressed too far with this destruction.
keeperelder1: ke1_csub1: This time I have you.
keeperelder1: ke1_csub2: There will be no escaping this time....
keeperelder1: ke1_csub_na1: We will surely stop him this time.
keeperelder1: ke1_csur1: Huh? Hmmm. The time for fighting has come.
keeperelder1: ke1_csur2: Ah! Where did--? I will end this right here.
keeperelder1: ke1_csur3: Of all the--! You. Prepare yourself....
keeperelder1: ke1_csur4: Huh? How did--? This is to the death, Betrayer.
keeperelder1: ke1_csur5: Ah! You startled me! Oh. This will not end well for you.
keeperelder1: ke1_csur_ik1: Hmmm? Ah! Betrayer and murderer! Take your last breath!
keeperelder1: ke1_csur_it1: Ah! Garrett? You know I must kill you, thief.
keeperelder1: ke1_csur_na1: Wha--? The Betrayer! Hurry! Kill him!
keeperelder1: ke1_csur_na2: Huh? How did--? Quickly! The Betrayer must be stopped!
keeperelder1: ke1_enr_con1: I'm not putting up with any more of this!
keeperelder1: ke1_enr_con2: I've never been this angry!
keeperelder1: ke1_enr_con3: That's it! You're done for!
keeperelder1: ke1_enr_warn1: Is it your wish to anger me?
keeperelder1: ke1_enr_warn2: Delays and trickery! Just fight me!
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_ally1: This post...left unattended?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_ally_na1: Did you know where Keeper Smith went?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_ally_spooked1: Explain yourself.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_allyf1: Where is she? Perhaps she'll return soon.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_allym1: Where is he? He's left his post unattended.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_blood1: Blood has been spilled here.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_body1: Dead...and I fear this will not be the last.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_body_na1: Observe this. There has been a murder....
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_body_na2: Look, someone's been murdered. This is a sad day for all Keepers.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_bodyf1: Why would someone kill her?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_bodyf_na1: Look, look there. Someone's killed her.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_bodym1: What hand took his life?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_bodym_na1: He is dead. Are we to be next?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_com1: I am on my way.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_com2: Let me help.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_dam1: Aah!
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_dam2: Ow. Who has done this?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_door1: I wonder who has left that open.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_door2: This door should be...closed.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_door_na1: Do you know who left this ajar?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_door_na2: Did you see someone come through here? The door is open....
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_felt1: Who did that?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_felt2: Cease that.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_lightext1: Ahem...I was using that light. Hello?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_lightext2: Turn that on again...immediately.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_lightoff1: Someone turned the light off.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_loot1: Someone must have taken it.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_loot2: It is...missing.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_loot_na1: Do you see? It's been taken.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_maj1: I do not believe this!
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_med1: Definitely not right.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_min1: Hmmm. Strange.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_res1: Someone fighting?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_ret1: Orland can deal with it, then. Or the council.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_shadow1: A shadow where none should be....
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_torchext1: What happened to the torch?
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_torchext2: Torch just went out...strange.
keeperelder1: ke1_ev_torchtoff1: Torches never last.
keeperelder1: ke1_fcow1: Spare me...I am old and tired....
keeperelder1: ke1_fcow2: Please...just leave me alone....
keeperelder1: ke1_fini1: Time to go.
keeperelder1: ke1_fini_human1: Enough! Leave me in peace!
keeperelder1: ke1_fini_monster1: That thing's too much for me.
keeperelder1: ke1_fini_na1: No choice! We must flee!
keeperelder1: ke1_fini_pl1: It would be folly to stay!
keeperelder1: ke1_fini_pl2: I must retreat!
keeperelder1: ke1_fini_pl_ik1: It's Garrett! The murderer!
keeperelder1: ke1_fini_pl_it1: To me! It's him! The thief!
keeperelder1: ke1_frust1: Think you're so clever? We'll see....
keeperelder1: ke1_frust2: You can't stay there forever.
keeperelder1: ke1_frust_up1: Get down here! Right now!
keeperelder1: ke1_fsub1: Leave me alone!
keeperelder1: ke1_fsub2: Can't believe I'm running...again....
keeperelder1: ke1_gcon1: We shall see....
keeperelder1: ke1_gcon2: Might have been.
keeperelder1: ke1_gcon_he1: Might have heard....
keeperelder1: ke1_gcon_he2: Was it...a noise?
keeperelder1: ke1_gcon_he_na1: Ssh. Has there been a sound?
keeperelder1: ke1_gcon_he_na2: Silence. Did you hear anything?
keeperelder1: ke1_gcon_se1: Was there movement...or no?
keeperelder1: ke1_gcon_se2: Perhaps there is nothing to see.
keeperelder1: ke1_gcon_se_na1: Wait...have you seen anything?
keeperelder1: ke1_gcon_se_na2: I thought I saw something...can you confirm?
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_aha1: Here you are!
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_aha2: Found you.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_dazed1: Was something...what?
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_dazed2: Oh...I...where did...what?
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_dismiss1: No concern of mine.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_dismiss2: Ho hum...I just don't care.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_distress1: Just a--!
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_dunno1: I don't know.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_dunno2: You're asking the wrong Keeper.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_frust1: This is not...enjoyable.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_frust2: Very...frustrating.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_igetit1: Mystery...solved.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_igetit2: Child's play....
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_no1: No.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_no2: Not a chance.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_oops1: Of all the--!
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_snapout1: Huh?
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_snapout2: Say!
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_startled1: Huh?
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_suffer1: Head...hurts...badly....
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_thanks1: Thank you.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_thanks2: Accept my gratitude.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_yes1: Yes.
keeperelder1: ke1_gen_yes2: Precisely.
keeperelder1: ke1_gini1: Huh.
keeperelder1: ke1_gini2: Hmm?
keeperelder1: ke1_gini3: Enh?
keeperelder1: ke1_gini_he1: Some noise?
keeperelder1: ke1_gini_he2: Did I hear that?
keeperelder1: ke1_gini_se1: Something move?
keeperelder1: ke1_gini_se2: Did I just see...?
keeperelder1: ke1_greet_reply1: You have my...regards.
keeperelder1: ke1_greet_reply2: May the glyphs be your aid....
keeperelder1: ke1_greet_reply3: Whatever.
keeperelder1: ke1_greet_req1: Good evening.
keeperelder1: ke1_greet_req2: May your studies go well....
keeperelder1: ke1_greet_req3: May you proceed wisely....
keeperelder1: ke1_gret1: Now...where is my balance?
keeperelder1: ke1_gret2: There is nothing then.
keeperelder1: ke1_gret3: Back to my meditations....
keeperelder1: ke1_gret_he1: I was mistaken about the sound.
keeperelder1: ke1_gret_he2: I fail to hear anything now.
keeperelder1: ke1_gret_na1: I am sorry. I have distracted you for nothing.
keeperelder1: ke1_gret_na2: My mistake. There is nothing.
keeperelder1: ke1_gret_se1: It is only that my eyes are tired from the days' work.
keeperelder1: ke1_gret_se2: No. I didn't see anything.
keeperelder1: ke1_gsub1: Odd, there it is again.
keeperelder1: ke1_gsub2: recurs....
keeperelder1: ke1_iann1: I need the help of my brethren....
keeperelder1: ke1_iann_pl1: You! Wait here while I get some help....
keeperelder1: ke1_iann_pl2: Stay right there...I'll be back with the others....
keeperelder1: ke1_iarr_gone1: But...I'm sure it was here....
keeperelder1: ke1_iarr_gone_pl1: But...this is where I saw him....
keeperelder1: ke1_iarr_pres1: There...just as I said.
keeperelder1: ke1_iarr_pres_pl1: See? He's still here!
keeperelder1: ke1_iarr_srch1: If something's here...we'll find it....
keeperelder1: ke1_iarr_srch_pl1: Garrett was here? Could you have been mistaken?
keeperelder1: ke1_idle1: Bringing someone back who left, certainly an unusual thing...hopefully they have taken...precautions....
keeperelder1: ke1_idle2: I think I should meet with Keeper Hortence in secret...we have much to discuss...his misuse of the Penteclees glyph, for instance.
keeperelder1: ke1_idle3: It is inappropriate, to put himself above us so. We are all Keepers of knowledge. And as an Elder I should be informed of the motives behind his recent actions....
keeperelder1: ke1_idle4: I hesitate to call that translation garbled...but something was not right...I should mention this to Keeper Mendock....
keeperelder1: ke1_idle5: Time to rebind the second set of Chronicles. They've become far too fragile.
keeperelder1: ke1_idle6: Should I tell the others about the Diathemes glyph? If only I could be sure of what I saw...or who to trust....
keeperelder1: ke1_idle7: There's something in the air these days...something I sense...there IS something wrong...but I cannot put my finger on it....
keeperelder1: ke1_idle8: It seems in hindsight that it WAS a only has to read the reports to see it is so...and the skirmishes will only increase...there will be more death before this is over....
keeperelder1: ke1_irep1: Hear me. There was a disturbance, and I am concerned.
keeperelder1: ke1_irep_body1: The balance is shattered. There is a dead body—I have seen it.
keeperelder1: ke1_irep_ik1: I found our murderer! It's Garrett!
keeperelder1: ke1_irep_it1: I spotted our thief...Orland was right all along....
keeperelder1: ke1_irep_pl1: It's the Brethren and Betrayer! He's back!
keeperelder1: ke1_irep_pl2: I need help, I just spotted Garrett....
keeperelder1: ke1_ires1: Stay calm...bring me there.
keeperelder1: ke1_misc_blind_end1: I think my eyes are...functioning again....
keeperelder1: ke1_misc_blind_ini1: No! I am blinded!
keeperelder1: ke1_misc_noisemak1: That isn't right somehow....
keeperelder1: ke1_misc_noisesup1: The acoustics here are...unusual.
keeperelder1: ke1_misc_pickp1: Blast. It's gone.
keeperelder1: ke1_misc_pickp2: Gone! But how? Who?
keeperelder1: ke1_misc_pickwand1: Where is that wand? Have I misplaced it?
keeperelder1: ke1_misc_pickwand2: It is not like me to lose my wand. Perhaps it fell without my knowledge....
keeperelder1: ke1_misc_slip1: Whuuaa!
keeperelder1: ke1_obs_elder1: Things grow more unbalanced.
keeperelder1: ke1_obs_keeper1: The glyphs again...we must talk later.
keeperelder1: ke1_obs_keeper2: I fear we have lost our way....
keeperelder1: ke1_obs_keeper3: May the glyphs bring you balance, Keeper.
keeperelder1: ke1_obs_pl_friend1: I'm sure you'll need permission to look at these books, Garrett.
keeperelder1: ke1_obs_pl_friend2: We know you better than you think, Garrett.
keeperelder1: ke1_obs_pl_friend3: May the glyphs reveal good fortune for us all.
keeperelder1: ke1_obs_scribe1: Have you not texts to transcribe?
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_fcon1: I'll catch you yet!
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_fcon2: Stop and face me!
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_fcon3: Running cannot help you.
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_fini1: That's right you can....
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_fini2: Leaving so soon?
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_hide1: Where have you run to?
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_hide2: Can't have lost you...not so easily....
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_hide3: Strange...I had you in sight just a moment ago....
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_hide_m1: Hmmph. Lost him.
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_hide_m2: He was just here....
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_hide_m_na1: Did he go this way...or that?
keeperelder1: ke1_opp_hide_m_na2: We must find him, before he escapes....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon1: Hiding, eh? Surely you realize I will find you...eventually.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon2: I know you're here is only a matter of time....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon3: Where are you?
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon4: It is folly to believe you can hide from me.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon5: I tire of the search...stop this hiding and come forward.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_fnd1: Not as sneaky as you hoped? Eh?
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_fnd2: Hidden no more.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_fnd3: I have...found you.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_fnd_m_na1: Here he is!
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_fnd_m_na2: We've got him now!
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_he1: You're not the quietest, are you? Why don't you come out where I can see you.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_he2: I heard that...I may be old, but I can still hear everything you do...
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_he3: I heard you there. Don't make me come find you.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_he_na1: Listen well, my colleague. Our little hider will betray himself.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_he_na2: In the end it will be the noises you make that will lead us to you....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_ia_na1: Keep your eyes anything else that seems...unusual.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_ik_na1: He has killed once already...we must see to it that it doesn't happen again....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_it_na1: Do you think this could be our thief? That would be...convenient....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los1: Hiding is the recourse of...cowards....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los2: Come out...and your death will be quick.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los3: In will be found....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los4: (To himself) Where would I go if it were me...?
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los5: I insist that you stop this...hiding.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los_m1: He is most certainly here...but where...?
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los_m2: Hiding will only delay his death....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los_m3: I will find him shortly...of that I am sure.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los_m_na1: We'll find him...don't you worry.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los_m_na2: Keep looking...he couldn't have gone far....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_los_m_na3: We will find him...he can't stay hidden from us.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_na1: Don't will be impossible for whoever this is to get past the both of us....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_na2: Look sharp. Someone is here...somewhere.
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_na3: Try searching over that way more...I'll try over here....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_se1: Come now...let's have a better look at you....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_se2: I didn't quite see you...who dares disturb an Elder?
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_se3: You are not a Keeper...I know that was too easy to spot you....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_se_na1: I wish we could get a better look...maybe identify who it is we're dealing with....
keeperelder1: ke1_rcon_se_na2: Use your eyes. He will move again.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_bump_init1: You do presume, Garrett.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_bump_init2: As heedless as ever, I see.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_hurt_init1: That hurt! Stop at once!
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_hurtother_init1: You would do well to stop that at once.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_hurtother_sub1: You are not deaf, and I am warning you, Garrett. Stop that at once!
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_lockp_init1: We keep those locked for a reason, Garrett, so move away.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_odd_init1: Exactly what do you think you are doing?
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_over1: That had better be out of your system now.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_over2: Are you done now? Very good.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_stare_init1: You grow rude, Garrett.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_stare_init2: You should learn respect.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_stare_init3: Have you nothing better to do than stare?
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_theft_init1: What do you think you are doing with that? Steal not again, fool!
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_threat_init1: You threaten the wrong person.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_threat_sub1: You think to harm me?
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_thrown_init1: You try my patience.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_thrown_sub1: You have exhausted my patience! Stop throwing things at once!
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_tres_init1: You may venture no further....
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_tres_init2: You have been forbidden this place.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_vandal_init1: You have grown altogether too destructive.
keeperelder1: ke1_repri_vandal_sub1: You are proving yourself far too unstable.
keeperelder1: ke1_rini1: Someone is here....
keeperelder1: ke1_rini2: Why are you sneaking around, eh?
keeperelder1: ke1_rini3: Who is it? Who dares disturb an Elder?
keeperelder1: ke1_rini_he1: Someone is making that noise...but who?
keeperelder1: ke1_rini_he2: Who's there? I can hear you.
keeperelder1: ke1_rini_he_na1: You hear that? Someone is here with us.
keeperelder1: ke1_rini_he_na2: That noise. What do you make of it?
keeperelder1: ke1_rini_se1: Saw something, definitely. I better get a closer look....
keeperelder1: ke1_rini_se2: I have seen you...identify yourself...hello?
keeperelder1: ke1_rini_se_na1: See that? We're not alone....
keeperelder1: ke1_rini_se_na2: Look...over there!
keeperelder1: ke1_rnew1: Still hiding?
keeperelder1: ke1_rnew2: Yes...still here.
keeperelder1: ke1_rnew_he1: The sounds continue.
keeperelder1: ke1_rnew_he2: Sounds like it is still here.
keeperelder1: ke1_rnew_se1: That's right...let me get a better look at you.
keeperelder1: ke1_rnew_se2: Good. Another glimpse.
keeperelder1: ke1_rpre1: Hah.
keeperelder1: ke1_rpre2: There!
keeperelder1: ke1_rpre3: I see!
keeperelder1: ke1_rret1: No one is here. I have been laboring under a misconception....
keeperelder1: ke1_rret2: Whoever it was...must have gone. Maybe some frightened acolyte....
keeperelder1: ke1_rret3: It did seem as if someone was there...but there is no one.
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_he1: Nothing. Nobody here at all. Unfortunately the noises will remain a mystery.
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_he2: No more strange noises. I suppose I should get on with my evening routine.
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_los1: Vanished. Slipped right through my fingers....
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_los2: Gone. I won't waste any more time looking....
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_los_m1: I must admit defeat...he has escaped me....
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_los_m_na1: We're wasting our time...he has fled this place.
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_na1: I think we can agree that whatever it was is gone from here.
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_na2: I think we scared them off. We might never solve the puzzle of who it was....
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_ra1: A rat, is it? That does explain a lot.
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_se1: Hmmm...I don't see it here now...tomorrow I will make some inquiries.
keeperelder1: ke1_rret_se2: I did see something...but now it has disappeared. How strange.
keeperelder1: ke1_rsur_ev_com1: Careful!
keeperelder1: ke1_rsur_ev_com2: Watch out!
keeperelder1: ke1_spell_thanks1: Well done.
keeperelder1: ke1_spell_thanks2: You have my...thanks.
keeperelder1: ke1_spella1: Glyph Aranides, dispense my will!
keeperelder1: ke1_spella2: Glyph Aranides, dispense my will!
keeperelder1: ke1_spella3: Glyph Aranides, dispense my will!
keeperelder1: ke1_spellb1: Glyph Bethisik, do my bidding!
keeperelder1: ke1_spellb2: Glyph Bethisik, do my bidding!
keeperelder1: ke1_spellb3: Glyph Bethisik, do my bidding!
keeperelder1: ke1_spellb4: Take that!
keeperelder1: ke1_spellb5: Die!
keeperelder1: ke1_spellb6: Feel pain.
keeperelder1: ke1_sum_fight1: Can anyone hear me?
keeperelder1: ke1_sum_fight2: Keepers! To me!
keeperelder1: ke1_sum_reply1: I hear you!
keeperelder1: ke1_sum_reply2: Help has arrived.
keeperelder1: ke1_wdie_f1: She deserved better!
keeperelder1: ke1_wdie_m1: He is it's your turn.
keeperelder1: ke1_wfle1: Stand! Do not give in to fear!
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon1: Was it...somewhere near here...?
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon2: Might have been...over here.
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon3: No, not here either.
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon_he1: Was it...over here? No. Maybe I'll hear it again....
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon_he2: I shall solve the mystery of the noise....
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon_he_na1: Shh. Listen. Or is it gone now?
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon_he_na2: I hear nothing now. What is your assessment?
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon_na1: We'll turn something up. Continue your search.
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon_na2: This much I know...if it is here, we will find it.
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon_se1: Could just be seeing
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon_se2: Need to get a better look.
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon_se_na1: I cannot see it now. Can you?
keeperelder1: ke1_ycon_se_na2: Did you see where it went? Are we looking in the right spot....
keeperelder1: ke1_yini1: Who's that?
keeperelder1: ke1_yini2: Huh? What was that?
keeperelder1: ke1_yini3: Hello? Has someone come?
keeperelder1: ke1_yini_he1: There. A noise.
keeperelder1: ke1_yini_he2: Heard something there.
keeperelder1: ke1_yini_he_na1: Listen. Do you hear it?
keeperelder1: ke1_yini_he_na2: I heard something. Listen for it....
keeperelder1: ke1_yini_se1: Something moved.
keeperelder1: ke1_yini_se2: Can't see what that was.
keeperelder1: ke1_yini_se_na1: Wait. Did you see that?
keeperelder1: ke1_yini_se_na2: What was that? Did you see?
keeperelder1: ke1_ynew1: There it is again.
keeperelder1: ke1_ynew2: Another?
keeperelder1: ke1_ypre2: Wha--?
keeperelder1: ke1_ypre3: Hey!
keeperelder1: ke1_yret1: I was mistaken.
keeperelder1: ke1_yret2: Nothing. Just an over-reaction to these difficult is only natural.
keeperelder1: ke1_yret3: Nothing, then. So be it.
keeperelder1: ke1_yret_he1: All is quiet now. And I have much to do.
keeperelder1: ke1_yret_he2: Whatever it was I heard...seems to be gone now. I hope that is the last distraction for the night.
keeperelder1: ke1_yret_na1: There was nothing here for us to find. Otherwise we would have already found it.
keeperelder1: ke1_yret_na2: We should be back to work. This was a useless distraction.
keeperelder1: ke1_yret_ra1: (Sighs) A rat, then. I am...relieved.
keeperelder1: ke1_yret_se1: It is doubtful I will ever know what it was I saw.
keeperelder1: ke1_yret_se2: These eyes of mine are getting old...they can no longer be trusted completely.
